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Members of the Board of Directors

João Pedro Backheuser – Chairman

João Pedro Backheuser (Doica) is a member of the Group’s Board of Directors since 2018 and has been its chairman since 2021.

He is an urban architect with a degree from Universidade Santa Úrsula do Rio de Janeiro, a master’s degree in architecture and urban Design from Columbia University/NY and a specialist in Brazilian Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Pernambuco.

He has a specialization in Project Management from COPPEAD/UFRJ and a specialization in Project Management from Fundação Getulio Vargas/RJ.

Furthermore, he is director and founding partner of BLAC – Backheuser and Leonidio Arquitetura e Cidade, and of B+ABR – Backheuser and Riera Arquitetura.

He was a member of the IAB-RJ Deliberative Council and general coordinator of the Executive Committee of the 27th International Architecture Congress RIO (2018/2020).

Francisco Ubiratan de Sousa – Board Member

Francisco Ubiratan de Sousa holds a degree in Accounting Sciences and Business Administration from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), and a degree in Law from the Faculty of Fortaleza (FAFOR). He holds a postgraduate degree in Accounting Auditing and Total Quality Management from UERN, and has an MBA in Tax Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).

He is a member of the Regional Accounting Council of the State of Ceará (CRC-CE), the Regional Accounting Council of the State of São Paulo (CRC-SP) and the Regional Administration Council of the State of São Paulo (CRA – SP). He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Águas do Brasil Group, and a member of the audit, risk and integrity and financial strategic committees.

Genilson Silva Melo – Board Member

Genilson Silva Melo holds a degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a OneMBA – Global Executive MBA in partnership with four international universities from Fundação Getulio Vargas and an Executive MBA in Business Finance from the University of São Paulo.

He was CFO of Copersucar S/A, Carioca Engenharia and Bertin. He also served in management positions at Rhodia and Dixie Toga.

Currently, in addition to being a member of the Board of Directors of Águas do Brasil Group, he is the chairman of the Board of Directors of concessionaire Rio Teresópolis (CRT), member of the Board of Directors of Viapar S.A and financial and investment director of Zi Participações S.A.

Genilson also acts as coordinator of the Strategic Financial Committee of the Águas do Brasil Group and the concessionaire Rio+Saneamento.

Ricardo Bacellar Wuerkert – Independent Member

Ricardo Bacellar Wuerkert, independent member, holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), with a master's degree in Administration (COPPEAD). He is a member of the Board of Directors of Águas do Brasil Group and the Group's Strategic Financial Committee.

He worked for 15 years at Brahma/AmBev/InBev, with experience in the areas of Marketing, Commercial, International Operations and People & Management. He was part of the multinational's major projects, such as the expansion of Skol in Brazil, the Brahma-Antarctica integration in the Northeast region, after the creation of AmBev. In addition, he participated in the first international acquisition of AmBev in Uruguay (Salus), the expansion of AmBev in Latin America (when the international board was created) and the AmBev-InBev integration, taking care of the expatriation of key executives and the dissemination of culture and leadership model for the new global company.

Currently, he works at Fazenda Palmares, focusing on the study and practice of “horsemanship”, the relationship between humans and horses.

Sílvia Cortes de Lacerda Ribeiro – Board Member

Sílvia Lacerda is a lawyer graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), with postgraduate degrees in Corporate Law from FGV and STC from Fundação Dom Cabral and University of Kellogg, Chicago.

For more than 10 years she worked as a lawyer at Barbosa, Müssnich & Aragão Advogados, with a secondment at Garrigues Office, in Madrid, Spain.

She was director of Corporate Governance and Compliance, and president of the Ethics Committee at Carioca Engenharia, being responsible for implementing the Integrity Program. She is currently vice-president of the Deliberative Council of the Brazilian Institute of Self-regulation in the Infrastructure Sector (IBRIC).

In addition to being a member of the Board of Directors of the Águas do Brasil Group, she is a director of Zi Participações S.A and coordinator of the Audit, Risks and Integrity Committees of the Águas do Brasil Group and the concessionaire Rio+Saneamento.

She is certified by LEC as a compliance specialist.

Maria Aparecida Fonseca - Independent Member

Maria Aparecida Fonseca (Cidinha Fonseca) was an executive in large companies in the country for more than 30 years, including at Grupo Pão de Açúcar, where she served as Vice-President of Human Resources.

Managing partner of Humá Consultoria, she has accumulated success stories in companies in the industrial, commercial, financial and retail sector, working since 1993 in conducting Family/Corporate and Corporate Governance projects, including the development of heirs and successors.

She is chairwoman and member of several Boards of Directors in publicly/privately held companies, as well as an independent member of the Board of Directors of Águas do Brasil Group.

Recognized by Forbes Magazine with the “Most Influential Women in Brazil” award in her field of activity, she was also honored by the São Paulo State Government in social projects in the ​​Human Resources area.

A speaker at business events, she is also the author of the book “Pense Grande, Pense Pessoas – O Superpoder da Liderança” and co-author of the books “Mulheres do Varejo” and “Mulheres do RH”.

Cidinha has an MBA in Business Management from FGV, Certification in Executive Coaching, and a degree in Service Excellence from Disney University.

Paula Guimarães Fonseca

Paula Guimarães Fonseca has been Legal and Compliance Director at ALLOS S.A. since 2006. Previously, Paula was a lawyer at Monteiro Aranha and Michelin and at Castro, Barros, Sobral e Xavier and Nonato & Fonseca. From 2000 to 2005, she served as CEO of InVent, a Venture Capital company in the Internet segment. She has a degree in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ) with a Postgraduate degree in Business Law also from PUC-RJ. She participated in the Changing the Game and Making Corporate Board More Effective programs at Harvard University in 2013 and 2014. She is certified by the IBGC in Best Practices for the Board of Directors and ESG Committee – How to Strengthen the Board's Strategic Agenda.

Members of the Statutory Office

Claudio Bechara Abduche - CEO

Claudio Bechara Abduche, Civil engineer, with an emphasis on structures, graduated from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica - PUC-RJ. He has an MBA from COPPE – UFRJ in Business Administration. He is currently CEO of the holding company Águas do Brasil, which controls 11 concessionaries in Rio de Janeiro, 4 in São Paulo and 1 in Minas Gerais. Director of the concessionaries Águas de Niterói; Juturnaíba Waters; Águas do Paraíba; Águas do Imperador until December 2008.

Marcelo Augusto Raposo da Mota - Administrative-Financial Officer

Member of the Executive Board of the Águas do Brasil Group responsible for financial, strategic planning, supplies, IR, IT, digital and innovation, activities.

Executive with over 30 years of experience – 15 years working as CFO, with relevant experience in Strategic Planning, Corporate Governance and New Business Development and M&A.

Career developed in infrastructure, leading strategic functions in the energy, oil and gas and sanitation sectors, from strategy development to implementation. Previously, he worked at Shell for 18 years, 2 years at its investee Comgás, in Finance, Strategy and Business Development roles.

Currently, he also serves as an advisor to the sanitation companies Zona Oeste Mais Saneamento and Rio+ Saneamento and as a member of the Financial Committee of Rio+ Saneamento. He was a member of the board of directors of several companies such as Manaus Ambiental, Rio Negro Ambiental, Comgas-Companhia de Gás de São Paulo and TBG-Transportadora de Gás do Brasil.

Bachelor’s degree in computing from UFRJ, postgraduate degree in Production Engineering from UFF, MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC), Counselor Training Program also from FDC and Advanced Management Program from Insead.

Marcio Salles Gomes - Officer

Marcio Salles, graduated in Civil Engineering from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1997), Specialized in Strategic Management from Coppe / UFRJ (2006) and MBA in Project Management at FGV (2010 - 11); PDE Executive Development Program - FDC – 2010 and 2019; he has more than 25 years of professional experience in the sanitation sector, having assumed the Corporate Operations office of Águas do Brasil Group since February 2022. From 2007 to 2022 he was Superintendent and Director of the concessionaire Águas do Imperador (Petrópolis), leading innovations such as integral effluent collection projects, sewage treatment and wastewater conditioning, as well as providing inclusion in areas of social vulnerability through Biodigesters.

Statutory Officer of Companies of the Águas do Brasil Group: CAI (2012 – current); CAP (2013- 2023); CANF (2013 – current); CAA (2012 – 2019); SANEJ (2012 – 2022); SAAB (April 2022 – current); SAAL (May 2022 – current); CAC (2020 – current); CAV (2013 -2019) and CAPY (June 2022 – current). Throughout 2022 he served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Águas de Votorantim, the concessionaire responsible for water supply and sewage in Votorantim / SP.

He coordinated the Utilities and Infrastructure companies in the municipality of Petrópolis through the Municipal Council for Sustainable Development of Petrópolis/CODESP between 2007 – 2008 with the participation of CEG RIO, Águas do Imperador, Ampla, FIRJAN, COMDEP, DEFESA CIVIL, Municipal Secretariat and Civil Society / NGOs.

In the period from 2008 to 2021, he participated effectively as a member of the board of directors, fiscal council and substitute for the Vice-Presidency of the National Union of Private Concessionaires of Public Water and Sewage Services – SINDCON.

With extensive experience in the infrastructure sector, he began his career in 1989 in the Nuclear Area (IEN – Institute of Nuclear Engineering). In 1994, he worked on modeling projects for the transposition of the São Francisco River, Oceanic Regions along the National Coast and Lagoon modeling. Between 1995 and 1998, he worked in the civil construction area, within the scope of ISO 9002 certification in the real estate and heavy construction segment.

Carlos Eduardo Tavares de Castro - Officer

Carlos Eduardo Tavares de Castro has more than 20 years of professional experience in the infrastructure sector, having been Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of COPASA MG and Board Member of Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais S.A (CEMIG) and Board Member of COPASA MG. He is currently Regional Director of Concessionaires at Águas do Brasil Group. In 2023, he held the position of Director of Regulation and New Business also at Águas do Brasil Group, where he has worked since 2004.

Member of CEISA/FGV (Center for Infrastructure Studies & Environmental Solutions of Fundação Getúlio Vargas) and Representative on the National Board of Directors of ABES by ABES MG (Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering), he also held the Southeast Vice-Presidency of AESBE ( Brazilian Association of State Sanitation Companies) between Jul/2019 – Jun/2022 and was a Member of the Board of Directors/Vice-President of ABCON (Brazilian Association of Private Concessionaires of Public Water and Sewage Services) from Jun/2017 to May/2019.

Civil Engineer from the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF); Specialist in Financial Management from Faculdade Machado Sobrinho (Juiz de Fora); Master in Production Engineering from PUC-Rio; Executive MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC); Post MBA from Kellogg School of Management (Chicago, USA); Postgraduate in Skills, Tools and Competencies (STC) from the Kellogg School of Management.

Has additional training in the areas of Governance, Risk and Compliance (FDC); Government Relations in Brazil (INSPER) and completed the FDC Advisor Development Program.

Statutory Advisory Committee to the Board of Directors

The Advisory Committees provides efficiency and agility to the Board of Directors, not exercising executive or deliberative functions, limiting themselves to issuing opinions and recommendations to support it in its decision-making process.

  • Audit, Risk and Integrity Committee – Supports the Board of Directors that assists in the strategic direction of the Group, as it considers its effects on accounting, internal controls, auditing, compliance, integrity and risks*

  • Strategic Finance Committee – Supports the Board of Directors with preparing and implementing the Annual Budget, relevant financial operations and capital structure, contractual management, new businesses, and Strategic Planning.

  • People and Social Responsibility Committee –  Supports the Board of Directors in aligning long-term business strategies with the management of its employees in implementing this plan. This body aims to facilitate the development and improvement of Social Responsibility policies, attraction and retention of talent, succession, performance evaluation and training of Group Employees.

Last Updated on April 4, 2024